Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

Having a 2 year old is exhausting! Yesterday Ryan and I were in the car with her, trying to guess what she was saying. Ryan looked at me and asked, "do you feel like we are living in MadGab?" For all you who don't know what MadGab is, it's a game where you guess what people are saying from strange sentences. For example "Olive Juice" would be "I love you". Well, this how we fell with Isabel. She speaks pretty good for her age, but sometimes it's guess work to figure our what she is saying. My life is MadGab - and I'm tired of playing.
This is what I woke up to this morning. It's a face only a mother could love!


Loughmiller's said...

I think she is adorable. I know what you mean about a guessing game. I had one child that didn't talk until he was 3.

DeLong Family Members: said...

Quinny loves that face too..."Where Boo-boo go?"

Jonathan & Rachel said...

You are a crack up!!

emily, etc, etc said...

once again ryan has hit the nail right on the head - we are all living a game of madgab, and I'm with you - I am tired of playing...