Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Potty Training

Can I just start by saying that I hate potty training? It is not my idea of a good time. Some people say it is so easy, but I personally think those people are liars or extremely lucky..... no offense is that's you reading this. When I potty trained Isabel she was one of those kids that just wanted to please me and did everything I asked her to do. She was fairly easy and I was lucky. Lucy has been a different story. She has gone potty a few times on the toilet, but I think it was luck more than skill. She is very funny though, she loves to sit on her little toilet. She also loves the ipod. So, she is only allowed to play the ipod while sitting on the toilet. She will sit there for half an hour sometimes (mostly because I forget that she is in there). I have decided that Lucy is potty training herself along with my ipod. I am not interested in fighting her or cleaning up potty messes at 7 months pregnant. So, we will see what happens. I really would love for her to be potty trained, but I am not going to force it any longer. She and the ipod can have a good time together.

1 comment:

marian said...

All power to you! I think it's a great solution!